
πŸ’» Data Structures and Algorithms with Python - Stack & Queue

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πŸ’» Data Structures and Algorithms with Python - Stack & Queue


πŸ“˜ Over 35 commonly asked Stack & Queue interview questions from FAANG and top-tier companies

πŸ’‘ Python solutions for efficient problem-solving

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πŸ” Detailed explanations to understand underlying concepts

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  1. Implement Stack from Scratch
  2. Implement Queue from Scratch
  3. Implement 2 stack in an array
  4. find the middle element of a stack
  5. Implement "N" stacks in an Array
  6. Check the expression has valid or Balanced parenthesis or not.
  7. Reverse a String using Stack
  8. Design a Stack that supports getMin() in O(1) time and O(1) extra space.
  9. Find the next Greater element
  10. The celebrity Problem
  11. Evaluation of Postfix expression
  12. Reverse a stack using recursion
  13. Sort a Stack using recursion
  14. Merge Overlapping Intervals
  15. Largest rectangular Area in Histogram
  16. Length of the Longest Valid Substring
  17. Expression contains redundant bracket or not
  18. Implement Stack using Queue
  19. Implement Stack using Deque
  20. Stack Permutations (Check if an array is stack permutation of other)
  21. Implement Queue using Stack
  22. Implement "n" queue in an array
  23. Implement a Circular queue
  24. LRU Cache Implementationa
  25. Reverse a Queue using recursion
  26. Reverse the first β€œK” elements of a queue
  27. Interleave the first half of the queue with second half
  28. Find the first circular tour that visits all Petrol Pumps
  29. Minimum time required to rot all oranges
  30. Distance of nearest cell having 1 in a binary matrix
  31. First negative integer in every window of size β€œk”
  32. Check if all levels of two trees are anagrams or not.
  33. Sum of minimum and maximum elements of all subarrays of size β€œk”.
  34. Minimum sum of squares of character counts in a given string after removing β€œk” characters.
  35. Next Smaller Element
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